Project 705

Making Animation Dataviz Interactive Performance Playful

Data Provocation, 2014
When countries release their CO2 emissions data, they omit carbon emission for international air travel. A staggering 705 million tons of CO2 emission into international airspace is unaccounted for.

We asked the international community of the RCA to discuss this issue and delegate responsibility. We placed five empty jars representing the top five countries with most CO2 transport emissions and asked participants to fill the jars with powdered charcoal according to who they believe is most responsible for international air travel carbon emissions.

Interestingly, the results matched the data on most passengers carried per country, with US and China being the top two. The messy result is also indicative of the complex and often subjective nature of data collection and representation.

In collaboration with
Aaron Ho
Frances Yan
Noach Ben-Haim